
Performace Tips, Advanced Technique and More

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Post by Halsey »

I was wondering if anyone knew ways to build up endurance for laying the flute. I've found that I can't go a long time in peices without taking a breath and so it's really hard for me to play slow peices. Also i find that I get really tired after practicing for only a half an hour. Do any of you know how I can bring my endurance up?

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Post by notootsieno »

That happens to me, too. My breath support is pretty weak. What I would suggest is start doing sit ups to strengthen your diaphragm...sounds like a burden, but I think it would work.

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Post by auletes83 »

I would also suggest doing cardiovascular activity as often as you can, ie running, step aerobics, swimming, kickboxing, etc... Worked wonders for me. Also, be sure to practice long tones through the whole range of the flute every day, at quarter note=60. Try to hold every pitch for a little longer each day, and see if you can eventually make it to 30 clicks per note.
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Post by Caroline_Fluter »

(1) Make your embochure hole smaller. if it's too big, air will come out of your mouth and NOT go into your flute.. it will get wasted. this helps you conserve air. make sure you direct the air into the flute so you don't crack the notes as you do this.

(2) Set your metronome to 96. Hold out a note (the A in the middle octave would be good to start with) for 4 beats at a mezzo forte. next, rest for four beats. spend all four of these beats BREATHING so you're all the way filled up. next, hold the same note for six beats. rest for 4. hold for 8. rest for 4. hold for 10. rest for 4. hold for 12. rest for four. and so on and so forth as far as you can go. you should be able to get farther every day.

hope this helps! -----caroline

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